HP Integrity NonStop J-Series User Manual
Page 164

NonStop AutoTMF Commands
HP NonStop AutoTMF Software User’s Guide—429952-017
collects and displays the same information as the EXECUTE option, in addition
to a trace of the data sent to, and returned from, the execution of intercepted
I/O procedures.
Each entry is timestamped and contains the name (or CPU, PIN) of the calling
process. The traced data is formatted as follows:
Character values are enclosed in quotes.
All numeric values are displayed in ASCII decimal form, with a decimal
point for scaled items. The number of decimal digits depends on the
precision defined for the field.
To trace data, the trace file must be owned by the process access id of the
traced process and the trace file security must be set to “OOOO”. If the trace
file is accessible but has the wrong owner or security, a note to that effect is
written into the trace file.
collects and displays the same information as the EXECUTE option, in addition
to the key fields from read, write and update operations. KEYS generates less
output than DATA and is often sufficient to diagnose program logic problems.
To trace keys, the trace file must be owned by the process access id of the
traced process and the trace file security must be set to “OOOO”. If the trace
file is accessible but has the wrong owner or security, a note to that effect is
written into the trace file.
the file where the trace output is collected.
tracefile can be an edit file (code 101) or an entry-sequenced file with a record
length of at least 132 bytes; if the trace file is an edit file, only one process can
write to the trace file.
If the file does not exist, the AutoTMF runtime creates it. If it already exists, and
contains data, the new trace information is appended to the existing file. The trace
file can also be created by the user.
If KEYS or DATA is specified:
the trace file must be owned by the process access id of the traced
process and the file security must be set to “OOOO”. When the runtime creates
a trace file, it sets these security attributes.
if the trace file is accessible but has the wrong owner or security, a note to that
effect is written into the trace file.
An EMS message is generated if the runtime attempts to start tracing but cannot
create, open, or write to tracefile.