Tns and tns/r installation, Tns/e installation – HP Integrity NonStop J-Series User Manual
Page 26

Installation and Basic Management
HP NonStop AutoTMF Software User’s Guide—429952-017
Install NonStop AutoTMF Software Files
TNS and TNS/R Installation
In the example below, AutoTMF is installed in subvolume $TOOLS.AUTOTMF:
TNS/E Installation
On a TNS/E server, in addition to restoring the product files, the INSTALL macro
performs the following operations to set up the procedure call intercepts for the native
COBOL and C language runtime DLLs:
1. Finds the current public runtime language DLLs required to support native COBOL
and C programs.
2. Using the native mode linker ELD, moves a copy of the public DLLs into the
AutoTMF operational subvolume and “rebases” the public DLLs to the AutoTMF
3. Prepares the DLLs.
See section
TNS/E Host Language Runtime DLLs
for further details on rebasing public DLLs.
24> install $TOOLS.AUTOTMF
HP Nonstop(tm) AutoTMF(tm) Software File Installer
UNPAK - File decompression program - T1255G06 - (2008-06-03)
Archive version: 1
File Mode RESTORE Program - T9074G08 (21JUL2008) (AFO)
(C)2000 Compaq (C)2006 Hewlett Packard Development Company, L.P.
Drives: (\SIERRA.$X7VW)
System: \ATOM Operating System: H06 Tape Version: 3
*WARNING-7147* Files created and stored via OSS and SQL/MX objects are not
Restore time: 20Nov2013 17:06 Backup time: 13Nov2013 11:07 Page: 1
Tape: 1 Code EOF Last modif Owner RWEP Type Rec Bl
ESCERROR 290816 7Nov2013 9:53 170,46 NCNC K 128 4
ESCFLTR 101 334 9May2008 9:34 170,46 NCNC
ESCHELP 1503232 13Nov2013 11:05 170,46 NCNC K 1928 4
ESCMON 100 3747840 13Nov2013 11:07 170,46 NCNC
ESCORT 100 3189966 13Nov2013 11:07 170,46 NCNC
ESCRUNDL 800 7214728 7Nov2013 10:01 170,46 NCNC
ESCRUNN 700 2206240 7Nov2013 10:01 170,46 NCNC
ESCRUNNL 700 4670584 7Nov2013 10:01 170,46 NCNC
ESCRUNNM 700 4894296 7Nov2013 10:01 170,46 NCNC
ESCRUNNT 700 2251512 7Nov2013 10:01 170,46 NCNC
ESCRUNTM 100 9857024 13Nov2013 11:07 170,46 NCNC
ZESCDDL 101 114448 7Nov2013 9:54 170,46 NCNC
ZESCTMPL 839 61440 7Nov2013 9:54 170,46 NCNC K 510 4
Summary Information
Files restored = 13 Files not restored = 0
AutoTMF software file installation is complete.
Proceed to installation instructions described
in the user manual.