HP XP7 Storage User Manual
Page 93

A semicolon (;) indicates the beginning of a comment. Characters from a semicolon to the end of
the line are comments.
The scripts in this command file are explained as follows:
This script specifies that you are logging into SVP whose IP address is
You must log into SVP when using the Export Tool.
The svpip subcommand specifies the IP address of SVP. You must include the svpip
subcommand in your command file. For detailed information about the svpip subcommand,
login expusr passwd
This script specifies that you use the user ID expusr and the password passwd to log into
The login subcommand logs the specified user into SVP. You must include the login
subcommand in your command file. For detailed information about the login subcommand,
When you write the login subcommand in your command file, you must specify
a user ID that should be used exclusively for running the Export Tool. See
for reference.
The show subcommand checks SVP to find the period of monitoring data stored in SVP and
the data collection interval (called sampling interval in Performance Monitor), and then outputs
them to the standard output (for example, the command prompt) and the log file.
Performance Monitor collects statistics by the two types of storing periods: in short range and
in long range. The show subcommand displays the storing periods and the sampling intervals
for these two types of monitoring data.
The following is an example of information that the show subcommand outputs:
Short Range From: 2013/05/01 01:00 - To: 2013/05/01 15:00
Interval: 1min.
Long Range From: 2013/04/01 00:00 - To: 2013/05/01 15:00
Interval: 15min.
Short Range
indicates the storing period and sampling interval of the monitoring data
stored in short range. Long Range indicates those of the monitoring data stored in long
range. In the above example, the monitoring data in short range is stored every 1 minute in
the term of 1:00-15:00 on May 1, 2013. Also, the monitoring data in long range is stored
every 15 minutes in the term of April 1, 2013, 0:00 through May 1, 2013, 15:00. When
you run the Export Tool, you can export monitoring data within these periods into files.
All of the monitoring items are stored in short range, but a part of monitoring items is stored
in both the short range and long range. For details on monitoring items that can be stored in
long range, see
The use of the show subcommand is not mandatory, but it is recommended that you include
the show subcommand in your command file. If an error occurs when you run the Export Tool,
you might be able to find the error cause by checking the log file for information issued by
the show subcommand. For detailed information about the show subcommand, see
group PhyPG Long
and group RemoteCopy
The group subcommand specifies the type of data that you want to export. Specify a operand
following group to define the type of data to be exported. Basically, monitoring data stored
Using the Export Tool