Show – HP XP7 Storage User Manual
Page 103

If the user ID includes any non-alphanumeric character, the user ID must be enclosed by double
quotation marks (").
Be sure to specify a user ID that should be used exclusively with the Export Tool. For detailed
information, see
“Requirements for the Export Tool” (page 90)
Specifies the password of the user.
If the password includes any non-alphanumeric character, the password ID must be enclosed
by double quotation marks (").
This example logs the user expusr into SVP whose IP address is The password
is pswd.
svpip login expuser pswd
This subcommand outputs the following information to the standard output (for example, to the
command prompt):
The period during which monitoring data was collected onto SVP (storing period).
The interval at which the monitoring data was collected (sampling interval).
Performance Monitor collects statistics by the two types of storing periods: in short range and in
long range. In short-range monitoring the monitoring data between 1 day and 15 days is stored
in SVP, and in long-range monitoring the monitoring data up to 6 months is stored in SVP. For
details about the two storing periods, see
Storing periods output by the show subcommand are the same as the information displayed in the
Monitoring Term area of the Monitor Performance window.
Figure 10 The monitoring term area
The login command must execute before the show subcommand executes.
The show subcommand displays the storing period and the sampling interval for these two types
of monitoring data: in short range and in long range. For example, the show subcommand outputs
the following information:
Short Range From: 2013/05/01 01:00 - To: 2013/05/01 15:00
Interval: 1min.
Long Range From: 2013/04/01 00:00 - To: 2013/05/01 15:00
Interval: 15min.
Export Tool command reference 103