HP 3PAR Application Software Suite for Microsoft Exchange User Manual

Page 129

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Table 9 HP 3PAR Recovery Manager Software for Microsoft Exchange Event Messages (continued)


Error Message

Event ID

The maximum number of virtual copies for the specified Exchange Server
policy has been reached.

RME3077: ERROR: The
maximum number of virtual
copies has been


Unmount the oldest virtual copy to allow it to be deleted during virtual
copy creation.

reached for Exchange Server
policy and the

Modify the policy to allow more virtual copies for a mailbox
database/storage group.

oldest Virtual Copy is currently
mounted. Please unmount this
Virtual Copy before creating
another Virtual Copy.

Failed to save the information to the configuration file.

Check that you have the correct permissions to the RMExchange


RME3126: ERROR: Could not
delete the local configuration


The specified zip file already exists.

Change the zip file name or delete the existing zip file.

RME3150: ERROR: The zip file
already exists.


An invalid file name format was specified for the zip file.

Check the syntax for the zip file name specified by the RMExch


RME3151: ERROR: The filename
must end with .zip.


The number of virtual copies is out of the range specified by the current

Reduce the number of virtual copies for this procedure or modify the
policy by raising the maximum number of virtual copies allowed.

RME3157: ERROR: Number of
virtual copies need to be in the
range of 1 to .


An invalid parameter was specified for the RMExch policy command.
Check the syntax for the RMExch policy command for the correct

RME3158: ERROR: Invalid
parameter entered for policy


A conflict was detected regarding the specified repository relocation

Verify the path given for repository relocation.

RME3164: ERROR: There is a
conflict with the specified path
for repository relocation.


The specified virtual copy could not be located in the repository.

Check the syntax for the RMExch backup command.

RME3173: ERROR: The Virtual
Copy is not found in the
repository, check if parameters
are correct.


A verification error for the snapshot operation occurred.

Run RMExch validate to verify that the snapshot was created.

RME3176: ERROR: Verification
has encountered an error.
Please run Validate command
on this snapshot.


An error occurred during the backup.

Check the RMExch backup command parameters to ensure that
the correct policy name is used.

RME3198: ERROR: Backup
error occurred. Check to see if
your policy name is correct.


The Symantec NetBackup process has generated an error.

RME3200: ERROR: NetBackup
process has failed with error


Verify that NetBackup is installed properly and verify that the bin
subfolder is specified in the PATH environment variable.

code . Check if
NetBackup is included in

Refer to NetBackup documentation for information on the error code.

environment variable "PATH".
Consult NetBackup manual for
this error code.