C troubleshooting, Known issues, Known microsoft issues – HP 3PAR Application Software Suite for Microsoft Exchange User Manual

Page 120: Troubleshooting

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C Troubleshooting

Known Issues

If a virtual volume name on the HP 3PAR Storage System is changed, the virtual copy taken
before the name change will not be able to perform a volume promote restore.

For media backup virtual copy, it is recommended that a policy be maintained per storage
group to avoid the possibility of having the batch file overwritten under some conditions.

Known Microsoft Issues

On a computer that is running a clean installation of Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (SP1) or
Windows Server 2008, an event ID 10 may be logged in the System log by VDS Dynamic
Provider. Refer to the following website for more details:

Under some conditions, there may be a problem when deleting folders on directory-mounted
virtual volumes. This is a Windows known issue. Refer to the following web site:

(For Exchange 2007) When upgrading an update roll-up patch on Exchange 2007 and
executing a snapshot creation with the validate (-vs) option without re-logging the console,
an application error message is displayed. To avoid this error, log off and log in after the


This appendix is designed to be used like a Frequently Asked Questions section. It will help find
solutions to some of the common issues that may arise when running Recovery Manager for


Recovery Manager for Exchange depends on the VSS Framework and the Microsoft

Exchange writer to be in a good state to function properly. If a problem occurs, check the status
of the Exchange Writer with the command vssadmin list writers.


(For Exchange 2007) The state of the Microsoft Exchange writer should be 'stable' (for

the Replication Writer in CCR configurations). If it is not stable, restart the Information Store service.
You may also need to restart the VSS Service.

You may get the following message when operating in the Windows 2008 environment while
executing Create VC or Mount VC with the Disk Management window open.

This popup can be ignored by clicking Cancel as advised by Microsoft on their support site:


The virtual copy creation always fails on mailbox database/storage group integrity checking.

120 Troubleshooting