Restrictions about 2dc – HP XP Continuous Access Software User Manual
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Restrictions About 2DC
This section explains important considerations to keep in mind when configuring a 2DC configuration
by using XP Continuous Access Journal and XP Continuous Access Synchronous with the system
option mode 707.
Setting of the system option mode 707
When the XP Continuous Access Journal primary data volume and XP Continuous Access
Synchronous S-VOL are shared, the system option mode 707 allows you to specify whether
to write the XP Continuous Access Synchronous P-VOL on both XP Continuous Access
Synchronous S-VOL and XP Continuous Access Journal primary data volume.
OFF: XP Continuous Access Synchronous P-VOL data will be written on both XP
Continuous Access Synchronous S-VOL and XP Continuous Access Journal primary
data volume. The default setting is OFF.
ON: XP Continuous Access Synchronous P-VOL data will be written only on XP
Continuous Access Journal master journal volume. Note that the data will be written
on the XP Continuous Access Journal master journal volume even if this option mode
is set to OFF.
The system option mode 707 is enabled when you register the XP Continuous Access
Journal journal group. Even if you change the setting of the option mode after registering
the journal group, the former setting, which was effective when you registered the group,
is always applied. To change the setting, delete the journal group, change the appropriate
setting, and then register the journal group again. On the Remote Web Console window,
you can check whether the system option mode 707 is enabled or not to the XP Continuous
Access Journal journal group.
System option mode 767 and system option mode 707 cannot be enabled at a time. Set
system option mode 767 to OFF when you set system option mode 707 to ON. However,
you will not be able to register a new journal group for the 3DC multi-target configuration
of three Continuous Access Journal sites and 3DC cascading configuration of three
Continuous Access Journal sites if you set system option mode 767 to OFF.
Notes on XP Continuous Access Journal pair operations
For the primary data volume, specify a volume that is not used by an XP Continuous
Access Synchronous pair. Available mirror IDs are between 1 to 3, and only selectable
error level is Group.
The data copying is not executed when you create an XP Continuous Access Journal pair,
but will be executed when you create an XP Continuous Access Synchronous pair. Note
that the host cannot write data to the XP Continuous Access Journal primary data volume.
To resynchronize an XP Continuous Access Journal pair, the XP Continuous Access
Synchronous S-VOL that shares the same volume with the XP Continuous Access Journal
primary volume must be in PSUS or PSUE status (error level is Group).
an XP Continuous Access Journal pair whose secondary data volume is in SSWS status
cannot be resynchronized with -swaps or -swapp option specified.
If an XP Continuous Access Journal pair is suspended and is in the SSWS status, execute
the Pairsplit RB command on the XP Continuous Access Journal secondary data
volume. After confirming that the status of the secondary data volume changes to PSUS,
resynchronize the XP Continuous Access Journal pair from the primary site.
If an XP Continuous Access Journal pair is suspended when the XP Continuous Access
Synchronous S-VOL that shares the same volume with the XP Continuous Access Journal
104 Preparing for XP Continuous Access Journal Operations