HP StorageWorks XP Remote Web Console Software User Manual
Page 122

P-VOL Fence Level (sync only): Select the fence level for the new pair(s) (default = Never). The
fence level determines the conditions under which the MCU will reject write operations to the
Never: The P-VOL will never be fenced.
Data: The P-VOL will be fenced when the MCU cannot successfully execute an update
copy operation for any reason.
Status: The P-VOL will be fenced only if the MCU is not able to change the S-VOL status
to suspended when an update copy operation fails.
Initial Copy Parameters: Select the initial copy options for the new pair(s).
These options cannot be changed after a pair has been added.
Initial Copy: Entire Volume = copy all P-VOL data to the S-VOL; None = do not copy any
P-VOL data to the S-VOL. The default setting is Entire Volume.
The user must ensure that the P-VOL and S-VOL are already identical
when using the None setting.
Copy Pace: Desired maximum number of tracks to be copied at one remote I/O (1–15)
during the initial copy operation. The default setting is 15.
Priority: Priority (scheduling order) of the initial copy operations (1-256). The default
setting is 32.
If the time out error occurs during the Paircreate operation, the copy operation may not be
executed correctly in the order that you have set with the Priority parameter. The time out error
may be caused by the CU configuration or a remote copy path error. Review the error, release
the pair with the error, and then retry the Paircreate operation.
Difference Management: Select Auto, Cylinder, or Track as the basis for managing the
differential data. The default setting is Auto. When you select Auto, either Cylinder or Track
is selected depending on the basic size of the logical unit (LU).
This option cannot be changed after a pair has been added.
Asynchronous Parameters (async only):
CT Group: Consistency group for the new pair(s). Consistency groups that have already
been added to the current MCU are displayed.
This option cannot be changed after a pair has been added.
Only XP Continuous Access Asynchronous pairs that belong to the same CLPR can be
allocated to one consistency group. For further information on CLPRs, see the HP
XP24000/XP20000 Disk/Cache Partition User's Guide.
Error Level: Error level for the new pair(s): Group, or LU (default = Group).
To create one or more new XP Continuous Access pairs:
At the remote site:
Make sure that the LU(s) that will be the S-VOL(s) are offline from all hosts.
Connect to the storage system that will be the RCU for the new pair(s), and log on with
Administrator or XP Continuous Access write access.
Make sure that the RCU remote copy ports are configured (RCU target port).
At the main site:
Performing XP Continuous Access Pair Operations