Source server identification fails, Suggested action, Migration agent deployment fails – HP Insight Control User Manual
Page 59: Suggestion action
Source server identification fails
The source server identification fails during the first step of the migration wizard.
Suggested action
Verify the identifier entered. If the name is entered for a source server that is in a domain,
be sure that the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) is entered.
Verify that the migration agent has been installed on the identified source server. For more
information about running the migration agent, see the Insight Control server migration
online help.
Verify that the source server can be reached from the application station. Communication
on network ports 51125 and 51126 must be enabled by any firewall between the application
station and the source server. computer.
Verify that the agent status messages do not indicate that the source server is locked to
Migration agent deployment fails
The migration agent might fail deployment for several reasons, including:
Incorrect password
Reserved ports
Insufficient disk space
Network issues
Suggestion action
Try the following:
The user name or password is incorrect. Verify that you have provided valid credentials
with administrative rights for the source physical machine for the migration agent
The Insight Control application station server is not a valid source physical machine for
The ports reserved for the migration agent (51124 through 51126) might be used by other
processes. These ports are reserved during installation and a reboot usually resolves the
issue. If the issue persists, then other processes using the ports must be identified and
There must be sufficient disk space for agent to be copied and installed properly.
The networks on both the source and the Insight Control station must be working properly.
If you are launching server migration Source Agent to a virtual machine, verify the virtual
machine console with virtual machine host management console does not have any errors.
Server migration Source Agent deployment fails remotely from a Windows Server
2003 Application Station
Insight Control uses a file share on the source server to deploy the agent from the application
Suggested action
For the file share to operate, verify that the following conditions have been met:
The Server or Workstation service must be started on the source server.
The Server or Workstation service must be started on the application station.
A "Client for Microsoft Networks" client must be added to the network interface properties
on the source server. station.
Source preparation