HP NonStop G-Series User Manual
Page 69
applicable to a particular entity, no text box appears in that cell.
Note that the right-hand table is context-sensitive to the selected node in the left-
hand tree. This also means that the configured parameters are applied to all the
nodes that are in the sub-tree of the selected node. For example, if Linux Servers is
selected and there are three Linux servers under that node, then the Performance
Essentials agents in all three Linux servers are updated.
If a cluster is selected, then all the entities of both Linux and NonStop agents appear
in the table. Some entities are common to both Linux and NonStop, e.g., CPU,
Process, Disk. The configured parameter values for these entities are applied to both
Linux and NonStop agents. Other entity configurations which are not shared by both
NonStop and Linux agents, such as the Transactions entity which is only on NonStop,
are applied to the applicable agents only.
The entity-parameter table always shows the current values of the configurable
parameters. As mentioned above, if a particular parameter is not applicable to an
entity, that cell is empty. On the other hand, if a particular parameter has an empty
value, this indicates that the selected target agents have different (not matching)
values for this entity-parameter.
Note: The CLIM entity represents the configuration settings for CLIMAGT, CIPSSRV
and PROV. The refresh rate for all 3 must be the same and hence they have been
grouped together as “CLIM”.
There are Reset and Submit buttons under the Configuration Settings table. Once
submitted, the software will update the agents on the selected servers as well as the
PE SIM database in HP SIM. The user interface remains on the same page with the
same context.
Default Agent refresh rate is 15 seconds for all entities and default Top objects to
retain is 10 for all applicable entities. The agent refresh rate can be up to 600
seconds (10 minutes), and Performance Essentials can retain up to the top 25
objects for all entities except for Processes on NonStop, which has a maximum of 10.
User should enter positive integers in the input boxes.
Performance Essentials HP SIM Client and NonStop & Linux Host User Guide – 544813 – 004