HP NonStop G-Series User Manual

Page 35

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d) Login to SIM and use the top SIM Menu: Configure -> NonStop

Cluster Essentials -> Refresh PE...

to sync up these


NOTE: i) If you don't have entry for an agent on NONSTOP, the default

port 8888 will be used.

ii) If you don't have entry for an agent on LINUX, the default port

443 will be used.

9) Wait for the Performance Essentials status icons to appear in the PE

column of the SIM Systems Table. Icons for Linux agents may take longer
to appear than icons for NonStop agents. If the Performance Essentials
status icons are not soon displayed in SIM’s main table, PE Refresh… may
need to be done by using Configure -> NonStop Cluster Essentials -

> Refresh PE...

from the SIM toolbar.

10) After refreshing Performance Essentials, if the status icon for this agent is

still not displayed in the main table of SIM, check the following:

a) Check Cluster Configuration Management application (Start ->

Programs -> HP NonStop Cluster Essentials -> Configuration

Management Application

) to ensure that the system name is spelled

correctly and the IP address/DNS name is correct.

 If the system name is misspelled, you will need to delete the

system and re-add it to the cluster.

 If IP address/DNS name is incorrect, just make the modification.

b) Check to ensure that the agents are registered, installed, and running.

For NonStop, please see

Checking Agents Running

and for Linux,

please see

Checking Agents Running


c) Check to ensure that the WBEM/WMI System Protocol Settings

Credentials User name and password have been set correctly by
resetting them.

Performance Essentials HP SIM Client and NonStop & Linux Host User Guide – 544813 – 004


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