Onfiguration – HP NonStop G-Series User Manual
Page 67

6.4. PE SIM Plug-in Configuration
Clicking on the SIM tab shows the PE SIM plug-in configuration settings in a simple
table. Currently, PE SIM configuration setting includes Sample Retention value,
Refresh Interval value and SMTP server settings. The Sample Retention value
determines the size of historical data in number of intervals that are stored in the
database. The default is 40 intervals, and the maximum is 500. The Refresh Interval
value determines how often the performance data is refreshed on the Performance
Essentials page. The default for this is 30 seconds, and the maximum is 600 seconds
(10 minutes). SMTP server settings include server-name (IP address or DNS name),
user-name, password and Use SSL. SMTP server name and user name cannot be
blank. Appropriate input checks validate properly-formed IP address/DNS name.
The Submit button updates the PE SIM database. The user interface remains on the
same page with the same context.
Figure 23 – PE SIM Configuration
Performance Essentials HP SIM Client and NonStop & Linux Host User Guide – 544813 – 004