Configuration options, Verview, Overview – HP NonStop G-Series User Manual
Page 61
6. Configuration Options
6.1. Overview
With the installation of Performance Essentials plug-in, HP SIM Configuration menu
provides the functions to configure NonStop and Linux agents and Performance
Essentials SIM plug-in component of the HP NonStop Cluster Performance Essentials.
This page can be accessed from HP SIM main menu by following Configure ->
NonStop Cluster Essentials -> PE Configuration Management…
Figure 15 – Launching PE Configuration Management
A separate window opens guiding the user through a series of steps to select the
entities to collect the data for the systems participating in the configured NonStop
clusters. The simplest option for the user is to select All Systems from the Target
Systems dropdown and then checkbox a particular cluster name in the table. Now,
the user can select the Performance Essentials configuration settings. A separate
window opens with two tabs in the left frame and a context-sensitive table in the
right frame. The tabs are: Agents and SIM.
Figure 16 – Launching Refresh PE
From the HP SIM Configuration menu, there is also a way for the user to be able to
refresh Performance Essentials at their discretion to reflect changes to their cluster
configurations. This tool can be accessed from HP SIM main menu by following
Configure -> NonStop Cluster Essentials -> Refresh PE…
Performance Essentials HP SIM Client and NonStop & Linux Host User Guide – 544813 – 004