B.82 [source:]list:voltage:apply:sweep command, B.83 [source:]list:voltage:apply:sweep? query, B.84 [source:]list:voltage:points? query – KEPCO BOP 1KW-MG Operator Manual, Firmware Ver.4.12 and higher User Manual
Page 180: B.85 [source:]list:wait:high command, B.86 [source:]list:wait:ledge command, B.82, Sour, B.83, B.84, B.85

BOP-1K 031014
Short Form: LIST:VOLT:APPL:SWE <>,
Long Form: LIST:VOLTage:APPLy:SWEep
Description: Allows the user to provide a starting angle for either triangle and sine waveforms and an
optional stop angle. If the stop angle is not supplied, the unit defaults to 360 degrees. This command
should be placed at the beginning of the waveform program to be applicable to all sine and triangle
waveform segments.
Short Form: LIST:VOLT:APPL:SWE? Long Form: LIST:VOLTage:APPLy:SWEep?
Return Value:
Description: Returns start
Short Form: LIST:VOLT:POIN? Long Form: LIST:VOLTage:POINts?
Return Value:
Description: Identifies the total number of points in a list and the next location to be filled by LIST:VOLT
command. The LIST:VOLT pointer is initially at 0 via LIST:CLE. For each data point entered by a
LIST:VOLT command the list pointer is incremented If LIST:VOLT:POIN? returns 5, the LIST:VOLT
pointer is at 5 indicating there are 5 data points comprising the list (locations 0 though 4) and location
5 is the next to be filled. If LIST:CURR has any entries, an error message: -221,”Settings conflict” is
posted in the error queue. Related Commands: LIST:VOLT. (See example, Figure B-5.)
Short Form: LIST:WAIT:HIGH value
Long Form: LIST:WAIT:HIGH value
Description: Waits for the trigger input to go high before advancing to next step. When the command is exe-
cuted the output is immediately set to the
the input trigger. If the trigger input is high (TTL logic 1 or open circuit) and a wait time has been estab-
lished by LIST:SET:WAIT, the step is immediately skipped. If the trigger input is low (TTL logic 0 or
short-circuit), the unit will proceed to the next step when either a) the trigger input goes high or b) the
wait time expires (non-zero wait values only), whichever comes first. If the wait time is 0, the unit must
wait until the trigger input goes high before proceeding to the next step.
In all cases, the trigger input must be high or low for at least 0.4 mS to be considered stable. This 0.4
mS delay provides a noise filter to insure only a level causes the output change.
This command must be preceded by LIST:CURR or LIST:VOLT command, otherwise a -221 “Settings
Conflict” error results. The entries of the dwell list must match the values in the current or voltage list,
otherwise a -226 “Lists Not Same Length” error results. (See Figures B-6 and B-7.)
Short Form: LIST:WAIT:LEDG value
Long Form: LIST:WAIT:LEDGe value
Description: Waits for the leading edge of the trigger input to go low before proceeding to the next step. If
the trigger input is already low, the signal must go high then low for the leading edge to be accepted.
When the command is executed the output is immediately set to the
the Trigger Port are used as the input trigger. If the trigger input goes from high to low (TTL logic 0 or
short-circuit) and a wait time has been established by LIST:SET:WAIT, the unit will proceed to the next