2 calibration procedure using local mode, Calibration procedure using local mode -12, R. 4.4.2 – KEPCO BOP 1KW-MG Operator Manual, Firmware Ver.4.12 and higher User Manual

Page 146

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BOP-1K 031014

5. Selecting one of the above options begins calibrating the output. The screen describes the

function of the active keys:


- or clockwise rotation of the ADJUST control adjust the output by approximately 10

increments in the positive direction.


- or clockwise rotation of the ADJUST control while pressed adjusts the output by

one increment in the positive direction.


- or counterclockwise rotation of the ADJUST control adjusts the output by 10 incre-

ments in the negative direction.


- or counterclockwise rotation of the ADJUST control adjust the output by approxi-

mately 10 increments in the negative direction.


- Exits the active calibration and allows you to select other calibrations that are



- Increments the output D to A by 100, causing the output to increase.


- Decrements the output D to A by 100, causing the output to decrease.




1. For ZERO calibration, adjust output to obtain value closest to zero.

2. For FULL SCALE calibration adjust the output to obtain the closest value above

(absolute value) the nominal full scale value.

3. Set the unit for local sensing with GND Network in (see Figure 4-1) and discon-

nect load from BOP output.

4. When adjustment is needed refer to PAR. 4.4.1, step 5.

1. From the power-up screen, press


to enter the General Setup menu, then highlight Cali-

bration and press


. Enter the password (see PAR., and press


, The LCD

shows main calibration screen.

2. Press






- ZERO to set the BOP to zero volts output.

Connect a Digital Voltmeter (DVM) to the BOP OUT S and COM S terminals to measure the
output voltage. Adjust the BOP output as needed until the DVM reads as close to zero as
possible within tolerance specified in Table 4-3 for VOLTAGE ZERO. Press



3. Press


- POSITIVE. Measure the voltage output using the DVM. Adjust as needed until

the DVM reading is as close as possible above the nominal full scale value within the toler-
ance specified in Table 4-3 for +FULL SCALE VOLTAGE. Press



4. Press


- NEGATIVE to set the BOP to maximum negative output voltage and adjust as

needed until the reading is as close as possible above the nominal full scale value within the
limits specified in Table 4-3 for –FULL SCALE VOLTAGE. Press



5. Press




- POSITIVE to adjust the maximum positive voltage protection

limit of the power supply while working in current mode. Adjust as needed until the reading is