Distance grid – Spectra Precision Survey Pro v4.6 Ranger User Manual User Manual
Page 189
Other Conventional Surveying Tutorials
The Surface Scan routine requires that you first define the perimeter
of the surface you want to scan along with the interval that
determines how many shots will be taken within the perimeter. The
more shots that are taken, the more detailed the surface scan will be,
but the longer it will take to complete.
3. In the Select Type of Surface Scan field, select if you want to
use either the Distance Grid method or Angle Grid method to
set up the surface to shoot. Each method is described below.
Distance Grid
The Distance Grid method requires three shots to be taken to define
the perimeter of the surface that you want to scan. The first and
second shots must be in the upper left and right corners of the surface
and the third shot can be anywhere along the lower edge of the
a. Enter a point name for the first
(top-left) point of your surface
in the Point 1 field.
b. Aim the total station at the
point and tap Shoot 1. The New
Point screen will open where
you can provide a new
description for the point before
storing it.
c. Shoot Point 2 and Point 3 to
define the upper-right corner
and bottom edge, respectively, of the surface in the
same way Point 1 was shot.
Note: If any of the three points were stored during a previous scan,
the point numbers can be entered manually without re-shooting
The Horizontal Distance Interval and Vertical Distance Interval fields are
used to configure the spacing between each shot taken within the
boundaries of the surface. The smaller the distances entered here,