Spectra Precision Survey Pro v4.6 Ranger User Manual User Manual

Page 126

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User’s Manual – Conventional Mode


On screens that contain a field where a

horizontal distance is always keyed-in

manually, it is assumed that the distance you
enter will be a grid distance and no scale factor

is applied. If you need to enter a ground
distance in one of these fields, you can scale the

distance entered from ground to grid using the

Apply Scale Factor option from the associated

power button before solving.

Once you choose Apply Scale Factor from the
drop-down list, what happens next depends on

how your scale factor is configured. If you are using a single
combined scale factor, the number you input in the settings is applied

and the new distance is inserted in the edit field without any

additional steps.

If you are using a grid scale with sea level

correction, including auto map plane mode, the
Apply Scale Factor wizard will open where a

reference point and vertical distance are

needed to compute the scale factor. The
Vertical Distance is the vertical difference from

the reference point to your target. If working
on a level surface, this value will be zero.

When you tap Next, or if your reference point is
already known, you will be presented with the
screen shown here where you can preview and
accept the changes. When you tap Accept, you
will return to the original screen and the
Distance Scaled to Grid will replace the input
distance entered in the edit field.