Select your layers, Select a boundary (optional) – Spectra Precision Survey Pro v4.6 Ranger User Manual User Manual

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User’s Manual – Conventional Mode


Select Your Layers

7. Tap Layers… from the Setup DTM 3D screen to open the Layers

(Stake DTM) screen.

a. Select the layer that you want to use

for the stake points and other objects

that exist on the surface you are
staking. These points will be used to

generate a DTM surface to compare to

the reference DTM surface.

b. Check the Select Auxiliary Layer

checkbox to automatically store any
points or break lines to the layer

selected from the corresponding

dropdown list that cannot be used for
DTM generation. Examples of invalid

objects would include a polyline that extends outside a
boundary, or a point with identical coordinates to another

point, but with a different elevation. Leaving this box

unchecked will result in a prompt to select a layer prior to
storing an invalid object.

c. Tap when finished to return to the Setup DTM 3D screen.

Select a Boundary (optional)

You can optionally define a boundary using a closed polyline for the

points that are staked, which will limit the computation of the DTM

surface within the selected boundary.

A valid polyline must be closed, and the line must not cross over

itself, such as in a figure-eight.

8. To select a boundary, tap the Boundary… button, which will

open the Choose Polyline screen.