Chapter 11 – capturing alarms and events, Using alarms, Monitoring alarms with the alarm (event) log – Watlow Silver Series User Manual
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EZware5000 Series Programming Manual
Chapter 11 – Capturing Alarms and Events
This chapter looks at how the Silver Series uses alarms and events.
Using Alarms
EasyBuilder has three parts that are used to perform alarm functions: the Alarm/Event Log object, the Alarm Display
object, and the Alarm Bar object. The Alarm/Event Log object monitors alarm conditions and alerts the Alarm Display
object and the Alarm Bar object when an alarm condition occurs. Use the Alarm Display object if you want to display
a scrollable list of all alarms that are active. Use the Alarm Bar object to display all active alarms on a single
horizontally scrolling line (like a marquee).
Monitoring Alarms with the Alarm (Event) Log
The Alarm/Event Log continuously monitors PLC coils to determine if an alarm condition has occurred. Once an alarm
is active, the Alarm Scan Object directs a string of characters associated with that alarm to the Alarm Display Object
and the Alarm Bar Object for display on the HMI screen.
To create an Alarm/Event Log:
1. From the Objects menu, select Alarm > Alarm (Event) Log, or click the Alarm (Event) Log icon in the PLC
toolbar. The Alarm(Event) Log dialog box appears.
1010-1007, Rev. 10