Teledyne LeCroy BTTracer_Trainer - BTTracer Users Manual User Manual
Page 192

BTTracer Protocol Analyzer User’s Manual
SW Version 2.20
pattern 96, 101
searching by length 150
searching by pattern 156
transfer message 134
Debug file 79
Decoding 132
Description of Merlin 2
Bluetooth address 64
general search 52
search 50
search for Bluetooth 60
slave address 54
DH1, 2, 3 packet 99
Displaying information 123, 161
DM1 124
DM1, 2, 3 packet 99
Duration of search 60
DUT Recv/Xmit Freq 82
DV packet 99
Editing comments 161
Encryption 170
Environmental Conditions 7
Error summary 162
CRC 102
FEC 102
header length 102
HEC 102
invalid packet 102
payload length 103
Searching for 152
setting conditions for 102
sync loss 103
threshold exceeded 102
types of 96
Established Piconets 84
sequencing 111
tab 96
trigger 15, 78
Exclusion search 157
Existing Piconet, recording 58
Expand data 126
Explicit NACK 154
input signals 96, 103
trigger form 110
Features 5
FEC Error 102
FHS packet 99
File information, displaying 161
File menu 33
Filename and data 15
Filter In/Out button 105
Filter Out/In 108
Filtering 97, 99
Find feature, using 157
Finding 152
Finding devices 50
Flow 124
Fonts 166
Force resynchronization 86
Frequencies, DUT 82
Frequency hops, hiding 128
General description 2
General features 5
General inquiry 85, 89
General options
General purpose output 110
Go to
DataLength 150
error 152
Header AM_Addr 150
L2Cap CID 152
Lmp Opcode 151
marker 148