Union, intersection, and exclusion – Teledyne LeCroy BTTracer_Trainer - BTTracer Users Manual User Manual

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BTTracer Protocol Analyzer User’s Manual


SW Version 2.20

Searching for Bit Patterns

You search for a bit pattern by using the box labeled Bitmask. Enter one of
the three following values:

X = 'Don't care,'

0 = 'Match a 0',

1 = 'Match a 1.'

Example -- xxxxxx01 means 'Look for a data pattern where the first 6 bits
can be any value but the last two bits must be 01.'

Searching for Long Patterns

You can search for long pattern sequences by entering patterns into multiple
rows within the editor. Entering a pattern on one row and skipping several
rows before entering the second pattern tells BTTracer to search for the
entire pattern between the two specified rows.

Example - Enter xxxxxx01 in row 1 and 11xxxxxx in row 2. This pattern
means 'Look for the pattern xxxxxx0111xxxxxx.'

Example - If you enter xxxxxx01 into row 0 and
11xxxxxx into row 4, it means 'Look for the pattern
xxxxxx01 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx

Searching for Hexadecimal Patterns

The columns marked Match and Mask allow you
to specify a pattern in hex. You enter the pattern
you want to match in the column marked Match,
and enter the mask in the column marked Mask. The Mask column allows
you to specify which bits you are searching for.

Example - A Match of 03 and a Mask of '0F' tells BTTracer that you are
looking for the hex pattern of 03 occurring in the last four bits of the pattern.
If you enter these values in the Match and Mask columns, the Bitmask
section will automatically display the equivalent bit values: XXXX0011.

Union, Intersection, and Exclusion

If you select multiple events, you will need to use the options Union or
Intersection to conduct the search.

Union is used to search for any selected event: "Find x or y." Union lets
you tell the analyzer to search the trace for any of any of the selected items.