Agilent Technologies N5183A MXG User Manual
Page 282

Agilent N518xA, E8663B, E44x8C, and E82x7D Signal Generators Programming Guide
Creating and Downloading Waveform Files
Programming Examples
Creating and Downloading E443xB Waveform Data Using HP BASIC for Windows
On the documentation CD, this programming example’s name is “e443xb_hpbasicWin2.txt.”
The following program shows you how to download waveforms using HP Basic for Windows into
volatile ARB memory. This program is similar to the following program example as well as the
previous examples. The difference between BASIC for UNIX and BASIC for Windows is the way the
formatting, for the most significant bit (MSB) on lines 110 and 120, is handled.
To download into non- volatile ARB memory, replace line 160 with:
160 OUTPUT @ESG USING "#,K";":MMEM:DATA ""NVARBI:testfile"", #"
and replace line 210 with:
210 OUTPUT @ESG USING "#,K";":MMEM:DATA ""NVARBQ:testfile"", #"
First, the I waveform data is put into an array of integers called Iwfm_data and the Q waveform
data is put into an array of integers called Qwfm_data. The variable Nbytes is set to equal the
number of bytes in the I waveform data. This should be twice the number of integers in Iwfm_data,
since an integer is 2 bytes. Input integers must be between 0 and 16383.
In the Output commands, USING “#,K” formats the data. The pound symbol (#) suppresses the
automatic EOL (End of Line) output. This allows multiple output commands to be concatenated as if
they were a single output. The “K” instructs HP Basic to output the following numbers or strings in
the default format.
10 ! RE-SAVE "ARB_IQ_Win_file"
20 Num_points=200
30 ALLOCATE INTEGER Iwfm_data(1:Num_points),Qwfm_data(1:Num_points)
40 DEG
50 FOR I=1 TO Num_points
60 Iwfm_data(I)=INT(8191*(SIN(I*360/Num_points))+8192)
70 Qwfm_data(I)=INT(8191*(COS(I*360/Num_points))+8192)
90 PRINT "Data Generated"
100 Nbytes=2*Num_points
110 ASSIGN @Esg TO 719
130 Nbytes$=VAL$(Nbytes)
140 Ndigits=LEN(Nbytes$)
150 Ndigits$=VAL$(Ndigits)
160 OUTPUT @Esg USING "#,K";":MMEM:DATA ""ARBI:file_name_1"",#"
170 OUTPUT @Esg USING "#,K";Ndigits$
180 OUTPUT @Esg USING "#,K";Nbytes$
190 OUTPUT @Esgb;Iwfm_data(*)
210 OUTPUT @Esg USING "#,K";":MMEM:DATA ""ARBQ:file_name_1"",#"
220 OUTPUT @Esg USING "#,K";Ndigits$
230 OUTPUT @Esg USING "#,K";Nbytes$
240 OUTPUT @Esgb;Qwfm_data(*)