Agilent Technologies N5183A MXG User Manual
Page 275
Agilent N518xA, E8663B, E44x8C, and E82x7D Signal Generators Programming Guide
Creating and Downloading Waveform Files
Programming Examples
Downloading I/Q Data
On the signal generator’s documentation CD, this programming example’s name is
This Visual Basic programming example, using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0, downloads the file created
“Creating I/Q Data—Little Endian Order” on page 262
into non- volatile memory using a LAN
connection. To use GPIB, replace the instOpenString object declaration with “GPIB::19::INSTR”. To
download the data into volatile memory, change the instDestfile declaration to
The example program listed here uses the VISA COM IO API, which includes the
WriteIEEEBlock method. This method eliminates the need to format the download command
with arbitrary block information such as defining number of bytes and byte numbers. Refer
“SCPI Command Line Structure” on page 205
for more information.
This program also includes some error checking to alert you when problems arise while trying to
download files. This includes checking to see if the file exists.
' Program Name: Download_File
' Program Description: This program uses Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 and the Agilent
' VISA COM I/O Library to download a waveform file to the signal generator.
' The program downloads a file (the previously created ‘IQ_DataVB’ file) to the signal
' generator. Refer to the Programming Guide for information on binary
' data requirements for file downloads. The waveform data 'IQ_DataVB' is
' downloaded to the signal generator's non-volatile memory(NVWFM)
' " /USER/WAVEFORM/IQ_DataVB". For volatile memory(WFM1) download to the
' " /USER/BBG1/WAVEFORM/IQ_DataVB" directory.
' You must reference the Agilent VISA COM Resource Manager and VISA COM 1.0 Type
' Library in your Visual Basic project in the Project/References menu.
' The VISA COM 1.0 Type Library, corresponds to VISACOM.tlb and the Agilent
' VISA COM Resource Manager, corresponds to AgtRM.DLL.
' The VISA COM 488.2 Formatted I/O 1.0, corresponds to the BasicFormattedIO.dll
' Use a statement such as "Dim Instr As VisaComLib.FormattedIO488" to
' create the formatted I/O reference and use
' "Set Instr = New VisaComLib.FormattedIO488" to create the actual object.
' IMPORTANT: Use the TCPIP address of your signal generator in the rm.Open
' declaraion. If you are using the GPIB interface in your project use "GPIB::19::INSTR"
' in the rm.Open declaration.