Fulton VMP Webster Oil_Combo Burner User Manual

Page 36

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valves must be visually checked by observing the valve

stem operation.

k. After the timer has completed the trial for main flame,

the burner will go out on alarm (the closed manual gas

valve prevented the burner from lighting). At this time, the

gas valves must be visually checked to verify that they

have closed. This test sequence proves the proper opera-

tion of the primary control.

l. Press the reset button and restart the burner. When the

pilot has started, open the manual gas valve to allow the

main flame to start.

m. If equipped with FGR, the shutoff FGR valve should

open on a linkage system, after the main flame has been

proven. The timing can be adjusted with the time delay in-

side the control panel, so that the FGR shutoff valve opens

5 to 10 seconds after the main flame is established. The

control valve of the linkageless system should move from

closed to a low flow position after light off timing has ex-


NOTE: If the burner is not operating as indicated, follow

the troubleshooting guide steps to determine the problem

and corrections required.

n. After a few seconds, the combustion analyzer should

have an accurate reading of the O2 in the stack. Figure

I-3 shows the typical range of O2 at different firing rates,

and the burner should be adjusted to be within this range.

Rough settings for low and mid fire combustion settings

are adequate at this time. Once the high fire is set, the

other settings can be fine tuned.

• Turning the cam screw in will add fuel, making it richer

and reducing the O2 level.

• Turning the cam screw out will reduce the fuel input,

increasing the O2 level.

If equipped with FGR, the NOx level should be close to the

desired NOx, as required by the specific order. The FGR

valve can be opened to decrease the NOx level, or closed

to increase the NOx level.

o. Operate the burner until the boiler is warmed up, and

near the operating pressure or temperature. Increase the

firing rate, using the manual potentiometer, or put low fire

hold switch in auto mode, while monitoring and adjusting

the O2 level. Adjust the gas pressure regulator as needed

to reach the high fire input.

p. If equipped with FGR, adjust the FGR valve as needed

to obtain the approximate NOx level.

q. Adjust the high fire input to match the maximum input

listed on the rating label. At high fire, the gas butterfly

valve should be at least 75 degrees open (more if avail-

able gas pressure is low), and the gas pressure regulator

adjusted to obtain the rating. The input should be

measured using the following equation:

Calculating Natural Gas Input

Gas MBH =

HHV x [(Patm + Pgas)/29.92] x [520/(Tgas +460)] x

[measured ft3/sec] x [3600 sec/hr]

MBH = 1000’s of BTU/M input

HHV = Higher heating value of gas, BTU/cubic feet

Patm = Atmospheric pressure in inches Hg

Pgas = Gas pressure before gas meter in inches Hg

(inches HG = PSIG x 2.04)

Tgas = Gas temperature at the flow meter, in

degrees F

Measured ft


= volume of gas measured by meter

sec = Time for measured ft


to flow through meter

Note: Some gas meters require a 6 inch wc correction

to Pgas. Consult your meter calibration data.

NOTE: The listed manifold pressure is only an ap-

proximate value and can vary with operating condi-

tions and normal tolerances. The fuel flow rate must

be measured to obtain an accurate input value.
Adjust the air damper to obtain the correct O2 level.

s. If equipped with FGR, adjust the NOx level to be about

10% below any guaranteed NOx performance. A balance

of the FGR control valve and air damper are required to

obtain the final result, as each can impact the other.

t. Modulate the burner to low fire, adjusting the O2 level

as the burner modulates.

u. Adjust the low fire input, using the fuel cam and air

damper adjustments. The linkage may need to be read-

justed to obtain the correct relationship between the fuel

valve and air damper. (Figure I-1)

v. Re-adjust the midfire points for the correct O2 level.

w. If equipped with FGR, adjust the NOx levels at low

and midfire rates to be about 10% under the guaranteed


x. Adjust the low gas pressure switch to be 10% below

the lowest expected gas pressure.

• With a gauge or manometer at the same location as the

low gas pressure switch, modulate the burner to deter-

mine the firing rate with the lowest gas pressure.

• At the lowest gas pressure, adjust the low gas pressure

setting up until the switch breaks and causes the burner

to shutdown.

• From the scale reading of the switch, adjust the set-

ting to a pressure that is 10% lower than the shutdown

pressure. For example, if the switch opened at 10 inches

as indicated on the low gas pressure switch, the switch

should be adjusted to a reading of 9 inches.

• Remove the gauge or manometer and plug the open-


• Cycle the burner on and off to determine if the limit

works properly.

• If the limit causes nuisance shutdowns because of

small pressure drops during startup, reduce the pressure

setting an additional 5%.

y. Adjust the high gas pressure switch to be 10% above

Page 36

JB Manual

Startup and Operating Adjustments