6 aborting the easy-tune sequence, 7 easy-tune sequence completion, Borting the – Micromod Micro-DCI: 53SL5100B Single Loop Controller User Manual

Page 87: Easy-tune, Equence, Ompletion

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53SL5100B Single-Loop Controller



11.6 Aborting the EASY-TUNE Sequence

If the EASY-TUNE sequence is active and the instrument output is deliberately changed, the sequence will be
aborted. The original instrument output and Manual or Auto mode will be restored. Datapoint B387, EASY-
TUNE Status, will be set to 54.

If the EASY-TUNE sequence is active and datapoint L521, EASY-TUNE Abort Switch, is set to 1, the
sequence is immediately aborted. The original instrument output and Manual or Auto mode will be restored.
Datapoint B387, EASY-TUNE Status, will be set to 60.

11.7 EASY-TUNE Sequence Completion

Upon successful completion of the EASY-TUNE sequence, the instrument is returned to its original status,
with or without the new tuning parameters, depending on its initial settings. If the EASY-TUNE algorithm
encounters an abnormal event, the instrument is returned to its original settings and an error status is
displayed in datapoint B387.