11 easy-tune, 1 general considerations, 2 initiating the easy-tune sequence – Micromod Micro-DCI: 53SL5100B Single Loop Controller User Manual

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53SL5100B Single-Loop Controller




The EASY-TUNE algorithm is used to help determine the optimal tuning values for the Proportional Band
(PB), Integral (TR), and Derivative (TD) parameters (called PID constants) in the Controller Module Mode 0
(CON-0). The three parameter datapoints are C106, Proportional Band (PB); C107, Reset Time (TR); and
C108, Derivative Time (TD).

This section provides the necessary information to initiate the EASY-TUNE sequence, to identify the EASY-
TUNE parameters, to evaluate the return status indications, and to modify the tuning criteria.

11.1 General Considerations

An instrument functioning in a process as a pure integrator can not be tuned with EASY-TUNE, as there is
only one instrument value which eliminates the ability for instrument self regulation. For processes with slow
variable changes, be sure the Process Variable is at a steady state before initiating the EASY-TUNE

Disturbance to the process during the EASY-TUNE sequence may result in a false process characterization.
Feed Forward control is not allowed during the EASY-TUNE sequence. In some applications, a process
response may not be satisfactorily approximated as a first order time lag with gain and dead time.

If the ratio of process Dead Time (W


) and Process Time Constant (T


) is greater than 0.5, datapoint B386

should be set to 3 for PID Control Mode.

11.2 Initiating the EASY-TUNE Sequence

The EASY-TUNE algorithm is initiated when datapoint B008, Background Program, is set to 1. Datapoint
B385, Control Module Selector, must be checked to ensure it is at its default value of 0 for CON-0.