3 front panel, 1 display, Front panel – Micromod Micro-DCI: 53SL5100B Single Loop Controller User Manual

Page 21: Isplay

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53SL5100B Single-Loop Controller




The front panel of the instrument contains the display and all push buttons used to change display
presentations and parameters. The front panel has a gas discharge 96 X 48 dot matrix display, a six
pushbutton vertical keypad, and a four pushbutton horizontal keypad. It also has a configuration port DIN
plug, which is concealed behind the identification tag pull-down door. To open this door, press on the lower
front edge. Front panel display information is presented as bar graphs with associated alphanumerics or as
alphanumeric only. (See Figure 3-1.)

Figure 3-1. Front Panel

3.1 Display

The bar graph display is a visual indication of the process events monitored and subsequently altered either
by the instrument or other device. This instrument provides three unique bar graph displays and one
alphanumeric parameter display. Bar graph response dynamics as well as the alphanumerics on all of the
display types are selected when the instrument is configured.

There are four configurable operating modes, called control strategies (CS1-4). The control strategies are:

CS1, Single Loop PID Controller

CS2, Analog Backup Controller

CS3, Ratio Controller

CS4, Automatic/Manual Station

Two of the control strategies, CS1 and CS2, have identical bar graph presentations; that is why there are
three, rather than four, unique bar graph types. Each control strategy (CS1 - CS4) also has a pushbutton
selectable parameter display. Although the contents of the parameter display are selectable configuration
items, the display format is identical for each of the four control strategies.

Any display type can have a portion of its contents overlaid with an ALARM indicator. If the instrument is
manually set to engineering mode, the display can be overlaid with the CONFIGURATION or DISPLAY data
entry line. Alarm indicators warn of variation changes that exceed tolerance limits; the process may require
immediate attention. The engineering mode (EMODE) overlay provides a single entry line for data display and