Liquid Controls SP3000 User Manual
Page 55

Line Oriented Data Input
RS-232 communication provides access to all operating parameters of the Flow Computer. The instrument
constantly monitors the RS-232 port for activity, entering the data received into an internal 80 character memory
buffer. Entry is terminated when a carriage return is entered (Return or Enter key) or when the buffer size is
exceeded. At that time, the information is parsed by the internal parser and a dispatch to the appropriate service
routine is made.
Because so much information must be typed to communicate with the instrument, a sophisticated parser has been
included to facilitate this data entry. It is very forgiving of typing mistakes. When a command is typed, the parser
finds the closest match between what is typed and the keypads stored in its memory. This memory of “parsing to
uniqueness” requires only enough information in the keyword to be able to distinguish it from the other words.
When a phrase is required to indicate a specific variable, the order of the words contained in the phrase will not
matter. Also, unnecessary words will not cause an error in phrases which may contain related but unnecessary
If a phrase cannot be understood or is ambiguous, the instrument will ignore the command and an error message
will be displayed. If possible, the instrument will indicate problem areas to assist in accurate data entry on the next
Line Editing:
Rudimentary line editing is accomplished by using the backspace key, which will erase the previous character, and
the Control-U and Control-C keys, will erase the entire line.
The instrument operates at 300, 1200, or 9600 baud, with 8 bits, 1 stop bit, and no parity. The remote terminal or
computer should be configured appropriately.
Getting started:
The baud rate and the unit identification number must be set up via the front keypad on the SP3000.
In the Setup Mode:
Press until
Sponsler V6.13 MS197
Serial Interface?
Serial Interface
Unit ID?
Enter the required unit identification number (1-99)
Unit ID?
NOTE: An invalid ID number entry will force an
error message:
Bad ID Value
Push to continue
Serial Interface
Baud Rate?