CONTREX MLP-Drive User Manual
Page 91

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Table 3-44 Entering Alarms Control Parameters
Parameter Name
Parameter Value
Enter the RPMs at or below which you want
the alarm output to activate.
Alarm 1 Format (CP-10) determines which
alarm conditions will activate the Dig_Out1
output, using the values that are entered in
Low Alarm (CP-12), High Alarm (CP-13),
Ramped Error Alarm (CP-14) and Scaled
Error Alarm (CP-15). Refer to Appendix C.
Alarm 1 Format
Alarm 2 Format
Low Alarm
High Alarm
Ramped Error Alarm
Scaled Error Alarm
Enter the RPMs at or above which you want
the alarm output to activate.
Enter the RPM Deviation between the
Ramped Reference and the feedback that will
activate the alarm output.
Enter the RPM Deviation between the Scaled
Reference and the feedback that will activate
the alarm output.
Alarm 2 Format (CP-11) determines which
alarm conditions will activate the Dig_Out2
output, using the values that are entered in
Low Alarm (CP-12), High Alarm (CP-13),
Ramped Error Alarm (CP-14) and Scaled
Error Alarm (CP-15). Refer to Appendix C.