A 8041 or 8045 with a g2'' nut – Burkert Type S020 User Manual
Page 21

Type S020
6.4.3. K factors (in pulse/litre) for T fittings used with a 8041 or 8045 with a g2'' nut
We advise not to use a type 8041 or 8045 measuring device in an S020 fitting in brass as drifts in measurement may occur.
If the measuring device does not automatically convert the K factor, use the following conversion formulae before setting the para-
meters of the device:
• K factor in pulse/US gallon = K factor in pulse/litre x 3.785
• K factor in pulse/UK gallon = K factor in pulse/litre x 4.546
Two versions of the S020 in DN15 and DN20 exist, having different K factors.
Only version 2, identified by the "v2" marking, is available from March 2012. The "v2" marking can be found:
• on the bottom of the DN15 fitting in plastic:
• on the side of the DN15 or DN20 fitting in metal: