7 typical application of downstream controller -5 – Brooks Instrument 5866M User Manual
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Upstream Controller Mode sets the controller to maintain the upstream
process pressure constant, independent of downstream pressure or flow
variations (ref. Fig. 1-5). For jumper positions on the PC board see Figure
Downstream Controller Mode sets the controller to maintain the
downstream process pressure constant, independent of upstream
pressure or flow variations. For jumper positions on the PC board, see
Figure 2-1.
Normally Open/Normally Closed Control Valve - Both Normally Open
(N.O.) and Normally Closed (N.C.) configurations are available. Normally
Closed is the standard valve type. The Normally Open valve may be
specified when Safety, Operation or Process considerations warrant this
type of valve.
Remote Pressure Sensor Input allows the use of the integral control
electronics and the valve to regulate the process pressure in response to
the remote pressure transducer signal (refer to Section 2-11).
Voltage and Current Inputs/Outputs - Jumpers are provided on the PC
board to allow 0-5 V, 0-10 V, 0-20 mA or 4-20 mA input/output. 0-5 V input/
output is the standard configuration. For maximum accuracy, the Model
5866 should be calibrated with the input/output configuration it will
ultimately use. Controllers will be configured at the factory if requested at
the time of ordering.
Figure 1-7. Typical Application of Downstream Controller.
Vacuum Pump
Model 5866E
Mass Flow