Part 1 - iso-mod – Dynasonics MFX Series Insertion MagProbe Flow Meter User Manual
Page 24

Rev. 01/11
Data Logger
The 200,000 event data logger/electronic stripchart recorder can be
configured to match most user applications. The logger stores time-
stamped, high resolution (16-bit) data at user selected intervals
ranging from 1 to 1,000 seconds. Configuration of and data retrieval
from the logger are detailed in Sections 3 and 4 of this manual.
The module can be carried in a shirt pocket back to the office and
plugged into a PC serial port via the module’s integral DB-9
connector. See Figure 1.16. This eliminates the requirement to
carry a computer to the flow meter site. The data in the logger can
also be accessed without removing the module from the flow meter.
Open the door of the flow meter and interconnect the 9-pin cable
between the data logger and the PC serial communications port.
The logger is capable of storing up to 200,000 measurements. The
measurements are broken into 16 blocks or pages with a maximum
number of data points per block of 30,000.
If each block(page) is filled to the maximum, 6-2/3 blocks would be
If all 16 blocks are to be used, each block could hold 12,500 data
NOTE: The data logger is not accessible using the MFX’s infrared
adapter. Communications between the data logger and computer
must be accomplished using a directly connected RS232C or
RS485 connection.
200,000 Points
30,000 Points
= 6-2/3 Pages
200,000 Points
16 Pages
= 12,500 Points per page
Figure 1.16
Data Logger Connection