ALLIED Vision Technologies Bonito CL-400 200 fps User Manual

Page 76

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Bonito Technical Manual V2.3.0


| | timer and frame duration timer. The
| | exposure time is controlled by the
| | parameter E=. The frame duration is
| | controlled by the parameter F=. Start
| | of the exposure can be synchronized to the
| | rising edge of an externally applied
| | signal. Use parameter T= to select the
| | signal source. Frame duration F= must
| | not be less than (N+1)+1 line periods
| | after the previous rising edge. To be safe
| | consider one line jitter reserve, i.e.
| | (N+1)+2. In the special case of K=A7 a
| | jitter reserve is not necessary, because
| | timer resolution is exactly one line
| | period. With D=1 setting replace the term
| | (N+1) by (N+1)*2.
| +---p: Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) mode. If
| enabled, the camera outputs two images per
| trigger event. If not in continuous mode the
| time between two rising edges must exceed
| 1+2*((N+1)+1) line durations. The trigger
| high duration should be less than N+1 line
| durations, but at least 500 ns. After a delay
| of one line duration plus 150 ... 250 ns
| (depending on the used trigger input type) from
| rising edge of the trigger input, the exposure
| of the first PIV image ends and its readout
| process begins. The exposure is permanently
| active in this mode, for a usual PIV
| application the first light strobe can also
| start _before_ the trigger input event. In any
| case it should end a few 100 ns before start of
| readout. After a guard interval of a few 100 ns
| ... 1000 ns the second light strobe may begin.
| The exact position and length of the guard
| interval depends on the allowable crosstalk
| for the application and should be tested
| individually. See J= for synchronization
| output.
+------f: Exposure feature mode.
0: Standard mode.
1: Enhanced full well (3T) mode. The full
frame shutter is not available in this
mode. Instead, the sensor operates in
rolling shutter mode with an effective
shutter time equaling the frame duration.
a synchronized strobe light is
recommended. Consequently any exposure
time setting, controlled by E= or by
external signal, is ignored. The light
should flash between two
image readout operations, which may be the
duration of one line at highest possible
frame rate. Decrease the frame rate
accordingly, if longer exposure times are
needed. Use exposure output (opto coupler
at pins 12/13) or sync output (RS232
driver at pin 6) for synchronization.

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