ALLIED Vision Technologies Bonito CL-400 200 fps User Manual

Page 75

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Bonito Technical Manual V2.3.0


| of the sensor. This allows to synchronize
| external devices even if the sensor is in
| permanent exposure mode. See M= for
| details about permanent exposure.
+----n: Invert the logic levels of the sync output.

K= : Timer prescale value. The basic clock frequency of 56 MHz is
divided by the prescale value (K+1) to generate the time base
for exposure time E= and frame duration F=. A value
of K=37 (decimal: 55) leads to a timer resolution of 1µs, for
example. To minimize jitter effects it is recommended to set
this value to a multiple of the current line duration, which
is K=A7 for single channel mode (e. g. S=0) or K=53 for
dual channel mode (e. g. S=3).

M= : Exposure control.
\| |\|
+ | +-e: Exposure timing mode.
| | 0: Continuous mode. The camera outputs images
| | as fast as possible in a free running
| | mode. The gap between two images is only
| | one line, the total frame duration
| | takes N+2 lines (or (N+1)*2 + 1, if double
| | ROI mode is active). The exposure time is
| | nearly equal to the frame duration.
| | 1: Image on demand mode (IOD). The exposure
| | is directly controlled by an externally
| | applied signal. Use parameter T= to
| | select the signal source. A rising edge at
| | the corresponding input starts exposure
| | synchronized to the line after the next.
| | If the rising edge occurs during idle (the
| | camera is not transmitting an image), then
| | the jitter is reduced. In this case
| | exposure will start with a constant delay
| | of about two line durations. The following
| | falling edge stops exposure in any case
| | and starts output of the image
| | synchronized to the next line. The next
| | exposure must start later than
| | (N+1)+1 line periods after the previous
| | rising edge. To be safe consider one line
| | jitter reserve, i.e. (N+1)+2. With D=1
| | setting replace the term (N+1) by (N+1)*2.
| | 2: Image on demand mode (IOD) with exposure
| | timer. The exposure time is controlled by
| | the parameter E=. Each rising edge of
| | an externally applied signal starts the
| | exposure. Use
| | parameter T= to select the signal
| | source. The next rising edge must
| | arrive later than (N+1)+1 line periods
| | after the previous rising edge. To be safe
| | consider one line jitter reserve, i.e.
| | (N+1)+2. With D=1 setting replace the term
| | (N+1) by (N+1)*2.
| | 3: Image on demand mode (IOD) with exposure

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