Autel MaxiDAS DS708 User Manual
Page 86

Figure 6.1: Update through scan tool – Main Screen
NOTE: If the scan tool fails to log on the updating process, you might
be using an illegal or limited connection. Please consult your Internet
administrator and adjust Internet settings. To check the Internet status,
you can try logging on a website on the scan tool.
In the Update window, select the items you want to install. Usually, you
should install all available updates.
Generally, there are two ways to update programs:
Batch updating
Select the programs that you would update by clicking on the check
boxes next to those items. Then click the START button on the right
side of screen.
Or, click on the SELECT ALL checkbox on the right side of screen and
all updatable items will be selected automatically. Then click the
START button on the right side of screen.
Check the updating process by observing the upper left progress bar
[downloading] and upper right progress bar [installing]. You may also
find progress information in the STATE column of updated items,
showing as follows: