Light sources: ls-1-cal calibrated light source, Parts included, Caution – Ocean Optics S1024DW Install User Manual
Page 23: Setting up, Calibration
Light Sources: LS-1-CAL Calibrated Light Source
The LS-1-CAL C
for the VIS-Shortwave NIR (300-1050 nm) provides the user
with known absolute intensity values at several wavelengths, expressed in
. Since the spectral
intensity of the LS-1-CAL can be traced to an intensity standard provided by National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST), it can be used in measuring absolute spectral intensities. This lamp has a highly
Lambertian internal diffuser, and its 900-hour bulb has a 3100K color temperature.
Parts Included
LS-1-CAL Tungsten Halogen Light Source
Switching AC adapter for stabilizing power
Power cord for supplying power to the power supply
Two Lamp Calibration reports; one for using a bare fiber and one for using a CC-3 cosine-corrected
irradiance probe
A disk that holds files for both calibration reports
Allen wrench for adjusting the collimating lens
The LS-1-CAL becomes HOT during operation. Handle with care.
DO NOT insert flammable materials in the filter slot. The materials could melt or ignite.
The LS-1-CAL is not designed as an illumination source for absorbance, transmission or reflection
measurements. The LS-1 Tungsten Halogen Light Source should be used for those applications.
Setting Up
Before beginning, make sure you have your LS-1-CAL, your spectrometer, an SMA-terminated optical
fiber or CC-3 cosine corrected irradiance probe, and Ocean Optics OOIIrrad software. (If you have an
IRRAD2000 spectroradiometric system, use a 200
m or smaller fiber. If you have another spectrometer
setup -- one that is highly sensitive, for example -- you may not be able to use the LS-1-CAL as a
calibration source.)
1. Plug the switching AC adapter (the black rectangle-shaped box) into the back of the LS-1-CAL. The
adapter stabilizes the power coming into the lamp to insure constant spectral intensity.
2. Plug the other end into the back of the switching AC adapter. Plug the wall transformer end of the
power cord into a standard 110V outlet.
3. Take off the fiber cover and screw a fiber all the way into the SMA connector.
Whatever optical setup you wish to use for your application, you must also use for your calibration.
For example, if you use a 200
m fiber with a CC-3 cosine corrected irradiance probe for your
application, you must use the same 200
m fiber and CC-3 for your calibration.
4. Find the on/off switch on the back of the lamp and turn the lamp on.
5. Let the lamp warm up for 15 minutes.
6. Insert the disk that came with your lamp. The disk contains two ASCII files. These files have the same
information as the Lamp Calibration reports that came with your LS-1-CAL. One file has the
calibration numbers for calibrating the lamp with a bare fiber; its name contains the lamp’s serial