EVS XTnano Version 11.01 - November 2012 Configuration Manual User Manual
Page 182
Physical channel
Physical connection to a connector on a codec module of a V3X board that used and
assigned as a player or record channel in a given configuration.
Server-Based Multicam Setup application
Server-Based application used to set up and configure the EVS servers. The short form is
'Server-Based application' in this user manual. This is accessible from the EVS Server
itself when it has been started.
SLSM camera
Also called Supermotion cameras. These are cameras that record at a a frame rate two to
three times higher than the normal frame rate of 25 fps (PAL) or 30 fps (NTSC). The two or
three phases of the camera are ingested in parallel as separate record channels into the
EVS server.
Technical Setup menu
Menu accessible on the Remote Panel using the F0 key. It allows users to define
currently used configuration parameters.
Web-Based Multicam Setup interface
Web-Based interface used to set up and configure the EVS servers. The short form is
'web-based interface' in this manual. This is accessible from any machine (PC or server)
that is on the same network range as the EVS server. This can be accessed from a web
browser using the following URL pattern: http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/cfgweb/ where the
crosses correspond to the IP address of the PC LAN of the EVS server.
EVS Broadcast Equipment S.A. - November 2012
Issue 11.01.A