Get transmit / receive statistics, Get client associations, Get neighbouring access points – USRobotics Instant802 APSDK User Manual
Page 205
Professional Access Point
Administrator Guide
Class Structure, Commands, and Examples - 205
From the above output for the "get log" command, you can identify the following about the Log Relay
Host (syslog server):
The syslog server is enabled (because "relay-enabled" is set to "1")
The syslog server is at the IP address
The access point is listening for syslog messages on the default port 514
Get Transmit / Receive Statistics
USR5453-AP# get interface all ip mac ssid tx-packets tx-bytes tx-errors rx-packets
rx-bytes rx-errors
Name Ip Mac Ssid Tx-packets
Tx-bytes Tx-errors Rx-packets Rx-bytes Rx-errors
lo 00:00:00:00:00:00 1319
151772 0 1319 151772 0
eth0 00:A0:C9:8C:C4:7E 4699
3025566 0 11323 1259824 0
eth1 00:50:04:6F:6F:90 152
49400 0 6632 664298 0
br0 00:A0:C9:8C:C4:7E 4699
3025566 0 10467 885264 0
brguest 00:50:04:6F:6F:90 152
48032 0 5909 293550 0
wlan0 02:0C:41:00:02:00 AAP1000 (Trusted) 6483
710681 0 0 0 0
wlan0guest 02:0C:41:00:02:01 AAP1000 (Guest) 5963
471228 0 0 0 0
Get Client Associations
USR5453-AP# get association
Interf Station Authen Associ Rx-pac Tx-pac Rx-byt Tx-byt Tx-rat
wlan0 00:0c:41:8f:a7:72 Yes Yes 126 29 9222 3055 540
wlan0 00:09:5b:2f:a5:2f Yes Yes 382 97 16620 10065 110
USR5453-AP# get association detail
Inter Station Authe Assoc Rx-pa Tx-pa Rx-byt Tx-byt Tx-ra Liste
wlan0 00:0c:41:8f:a7:72 Yes Yes 126 29 9222 3055 540 1
wlan0 00:09:5b:2f:a5:2f Yes Yes 382 97 16620 10065 110 1
Get neighbouring Access Points
The Neighboring access point view shows wireless networks within range of the access point. These
commands provide a detailed view of neighboring access points including identifying information (SSIDs
and MAC addresses) for each, and statistical information such as the channel each access point is
broadcasting on, signal strength, and so forth.