Tascam GigaStudio User Manual
Page 112

TASCAM GigaEditor 4 Manual
This command displays or hides the Toolbar.
Th e first three toolbar buttons are shortcuts for the New, Open, and Save commands on the File menu. Th e
remaining buttons are for launching the QuickSound Explorer, and for showing the Channel Status and
About windows.
Status Bar:
[Alt] + [V] + [S]
This command displays or hides the Status Bar.
Th e Status Bar shows a variety of information including: (1) the name of the audio interface currently in
use, (2) the current and peak number of voices sounding, (3) external MIDI activity, (4) memory usage, (5)
the amount of free space currently available to the temp directory, and (6) the “committed” size, which is an
estimate of the disk space that will be needed to save all of the files currently open.
Show Audio:
[Alt] + [V] + [A]
This command displays or hides the graphical audio waveform view. Th e waveform view displays the
sample wave and parameters such as ADSR envelopes, LFOs and loop points. This allows you to precisely
edit these parameters and see how they will lay on top of the sample.
Note that samples in some instruments may be compressed, and decompressing these samples
automatically for display purposes could slow down the Editor unacceptably. In these cases the waveform
view displays the message "accelerated wave - click to display". Clicking anywhere in the window will cause
the wave to be drawn normally.
When the Envelope Preview button is pressed, the waveform is drawn as if the amplitude envelope (EG1)
were already applied to it.