Exiting (removing) a menu – Texas Instruments TI-86 User Manual

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Chapter 1: Operating the TI



01OPER.DOC TI-86, Chap 1, US English Bob Fedorisko Revised: 02/13/01 2:18 PM Printed: 02/13/01 2:59 PM Page 33 of 22

01OPER.DOC TI-86, Chap 1, US English Bob Fedorisko Revised: 02/13/01 2:18 PM Printed: 02/13/01 2:59 PM Page 33 of 22

To select an item from the upper menu, press - and the appropriate key e through i.

To select PROB from the upper menu, press




To select iPart from the lower menu, press



When an editor menu is displayed as the upper menu, and you select an item from the lower
menu that displays yet another menu, the editor menu remains as the upper menu.

When you select NUM from the lower menu...

The MATH menu disappears.

...the equation editor
menu remains
and the MATH NUM
menu is displayed.

Upper: equation editor menu
Lower: MATH menu

Upper: equation editor menu
Lower: MATH NUM menu

Exiting (Removing) a Menu

To remove the lower menu from the screen, press ..

When you press



...the MATH NUM menu disappears
and the MATH menu moves down.



again, and

the MATH menu disappears.

Upper: MATH menu
Lower: MATH NUM menu

Lower: MATH menu

No menu

To remove a menu from the
bottom of a graph screen,


after plotting the

graph (Chapter 5).