Texas Instruments TI-86 User Manual
Page 424

99INDEX.DOC TI-86, Index, US English Bob Fedorisko Revised: 02/13/01 2:51 PM Printed: 02/27/01 1:29 PM Page 412 of 15
last answer, 28, 29
storing to variable, 3
last entry, 26, 28
Lbl (label), 219, 224, 311
lcm( (least common multiple),
52, 311
LCust( (load custom menu),
220, 311
Nrt, 202
length of segment of curve, 54
less than (<), 312
less than or equal to (
), 312
LgstR (logistic regression), 190,
193, 313
4vc (list to vector), 160, 174,
LINE, 104, 105
Line(, 314
drawing, 107
LINK menu, 236
LINK SEND menu, 236
LINK SEND85 menu, 239
linking instructions, 235
linking options, 234
LinR (linear regression), 190,
list, 29, 43, 52
as an argument, 161
attached formulas, 165
attaching formula, 162, 166
braces { }, 316
comparing, 163
creating, 157
deleting an element, 158
deleting from memory, 154
detaching formulas, 166
displaying list elements, 154
editing elements, 166
entering in an expression,
inserting, 157
removing from list editor,
storing, 154
uses, 152
using with function, 5
list editor, 31, 67, 156, 188
attaching formulas, 163, 164
removing a list, 158
List Editor menu, 156
list element
complex, 156
deleting, 158
list element (continued)
displaying, 155, 158
editing, 158
storing a value to, 155
list entry { }, 316
LIST menu, 152
list names, 43
LIST NAMES menu, 153, 189
LIST OPS menu, 159
ln (natural log), 48, 316
lngth (length of string), 227, 316
LnR (logarithmic regression),
, 317
log, 48, 318
low-battery message, 16, 18
lower menu, 32
LU( (lower-upper), 183, 318
linking to, 235
MATH, 75
MATH (Graph menu), 88
MATH ANGLE menu, 51
MATH HYP (Hyperbolic) menu,
MATH menu, 31, 49
MATH MISC (Miscellaneous)
menu, 52
MATH NUM (Number) menu,
31, 49
MATH PROB (Probability)
menu, 50
mathematical functions, 48
using with lists, 161
with a matrix, 185
matrix, 29
brackets [ ], 180, 319
creating, 178, 180
defined, 178
deleting from memory, 180
displaying elements, rows,
submatrices, 181
editing using X, 182
names, 43
using in expression, 181
using math functions, 185
Matrix Editor menu, 179
matrix entry [ ], 319
MATRX (matrix names), 43
MATRX (Matrix) menu, 178
MATRX CPLX (Complex)
menu, 185