Running a program – Texas Instruments TI-86 User Manual
Page 233
Chapter 16: Programming
16PROG.DOC TI-86, Chap 16, US English Bob Fedorisko Revised: 02/13/01 2:36 PM Printed: 02/13/01 3:04 PM Page 221 of 16
16PROG.DOC TI-86, Chap 16, US English Bob Fedorisko Revised: 02/13/01 2:36 PM Printed: 02/13/01 3:04 PM Page 221 of 16
Variables to which you typically store values from an editor, such as the window variables,
become items on program-only menus, such as the
menu. When you select
them, they are pasted to the cursor location on the command line.
Running a Program
ᕡ Paste the program name to the home screen. Either select it from the
(8 &) or enter individual characters.
ᕢ Press b. The program begins to run.
Each result updates the last-answer variable
(Chapter 1). The TI
-86 reports errors as
the program runs. Commands executed during a program do not update the previous-entry
storage area
(Chapter 1).
The example program below is shown as it would appear on a TI
-86 screen. The program:
Creates a table by evaluating a function, its first derivative, and its second derivative at
intervals in the graphing window
Displays the graph of the function and its derivatives in three different graph styles,
activates the trace cursor, and pauses to allow you to trace the function
To resume the program after
a pause, press