Toshiba Tosvert EtherNet/IP - Modbus TCP option IPE002Z User Manual
Tosvert vf-mb1/s15, Ethernet/ip™ - modbus, Tcp option function manual

EtherNet/IP™ - Modbus
TCP option
Function Manual
1. Read this manual before installing or operating. Keep this instruction manual on hand
of the end user, and make use of this manual in maintenance and inspection.
2. All information contained in this manual will be changed without notice. Please
contact your Toshiba distributor to confirm the latest information.
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Introduction
- Table of Contents
- 1. Overview
- 2. Names and functions
- 3. Parameters
- 3.1. Communication parameters
- 3.2. The details of the parameter setting
- 3.2.1. Device name (c081-c096)
- 3.2.2. Assigning IP addresses (c504, c505-c516)
- 3.2.3. Network error detection (c100 - c103, c523)
- 3.2.4. Command data (c001-c006), Monitor data (c021-c026)
- How to use Instance 102/152 and 105/155
- fa06 (Communication command1)
- fa23 (Communication command 2)
- fa07 (frequency reference from internal option)
- fa50 (Terminal output data from communication)
- fa51 (Analog output (FM) data from communication)
- fd01 (Inverter operating status 1)
- fd00 (Output frequency)
- fd03 (Output current)
- fe35, fe36, fe37 (Monitoring of the analog input VIA, VIB, VIC)
- fe14 (Cumulative run time)
- fe40 (Analog output (FM))
- fc91 (Alarm code)
- fd06 (Input TB Status)
- fd07 (Output TB Status)
- 4. Objects
- 4.1. Identity Object (0x01)
- 4.2. Message Router Object (0x02)
- 4.3. Assembly Object (0x04)
- 4.4. Connection Manager Object (0x06)
- 4.5. Motor Data Object (0x28)
- 4.6. Control Supervisor Object (0x29)
- 4.7. AC/DC Drive Object (0x2A)
- 4.8. Parameter Objects (0x64)
- 4.9. Parameter Objects (0x65)
- 4.10. Port Object (0xF4)
- 4.11. TCP/IP interface Object (0xF5)
- 4.12. Ethernet link object (0xF6)
- 5. Configuration of the assemblies
- 5.1. List of Assembly Object Instance
- 5.1.1. Instance 20: CIP basic speed control output
- 5.1.2. Instance 70: CIP basic speed control input
- 5.1.3. Instance 21: CIP extended speed control output
- 5.1.4. Instance 71: CIP extended speed control input
- 5.1.5. Instance 100: Native drive output
- 5.1.6. Instance 150: Native drive input
- 5.1.7. Instance 101: Native drive output
- 5.1.8. Instance 151: Native drive input
- 5.1.9. Instance 102: Native drive output
- 5.1.10. Instance 152: Native drive input
- 5.1.11. Instance 105: TOSHIBA specific output
- 5.1.12. Instance 155: TOSHIBA specific input
- 5.1. List of Assembly Object Instance
- 6. About EDS file
- 7. Integration in RSLogix™
- 8. Modbus TCP server
- 8.1. Modbus TCP frames
- 8.2. Drive Modbus servers
- 8.3. List of Modbus functions supported
- 8.4. "03 (0x03) Read Holding Registers" function
- 8.5. "06 (0x06) Write Single Register" function
- 8.6. "16 (0x10) Write Multiple Registers" function
- 8.7. "23 (0x17) Read/Write Multiple Registers" function
- 8.8. "43 (0x2B) Read Device identification" function
- 8.9. Parameter data
- 9. IO Scanning service
- 10. Example of the setup with PL7™
- 11. Command & Setpoint selection (Local/Remote)
- 12. Unusual diagnosis
- 13. WebServer
- 13.1. Access to the webserver
- 13.2. Web pages structure
- 13.3. Drive monitor (Main menu: Monitoring)
- 13.4. Drive parameters (Main menu: Monitoring)
- 13.5. Network parameters (Main menu: Network Setup)
- 13.6. Modbus scanner (Main menu: Network Setup)
- 13.7. EthIP scanner (Main menu: Network Setup)
- 13.8. Administration (Main menu: Network Setup)
- 13.9. TCP/IP statistics (Main menu: Diagnostics)