2 ch0 / ch1 fc speed (fibre channel type b and c), 3 ch0..ch5 scsi id (fibre channel type b and c), 4 ch0..ch5 scsi speed (fibre channel type b and c) – Qualstar 501440 Rev. G User Manual

Page 62: 5 clear log, 6 router lun, Ch0 / ch1 fc speed (fibre channel type b and c) -7, Ch0..ch5 scsi id (fibre channel type b and c) -7, Clear log -7, Router lun -7

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Ch0 / Ch1 FC Speed (Fibre Channel Type B and C)

This value is a selection AUTO, 1Gb or 2Gb, that corresponds to the FC link speed. If
AUTO, the link will attempt to negotiate the highest possible speed of 2Gb. If the Se-
lection is 1Gb, the link will only negotiate the lower 1Gb speed. If the selection is 2Gb,
the link will only negotiate the higher 2Gb speed. The number of entries will depend
on the Fibre Channel Option selected.

The default is AUTO.


Ch0..Ch5 SCSI ID (Fibre Channel Type B and C)

This value is a number from 0 to 15 that corresponds to the SCSI Channel (0..5) ini-
tiator id. The number of entries will depend on the Fibre Channel Option selected.

The default SCSI Id is 7.


Ch0..Ch5 SCSI Speed (Fibre Channel Type B and C)

This value is a selection 160, 80, or 40, that corresponds to the highest negotiated
SCSI bus speed of the FC SCSI Channel 0..5 Initiator. The number of entries will de-
pend on the Fibre Channel Option selected.

The default is SCSI Speed 160.



Invoking this command will clear the Fibre Channel Option internal event log.


Router LUN

The Fibre Channel Option interface is assigned a SCSI address Lun, for configuration
and management features. This menu options selects the method used to assign the
router Lun address.


The Router Lun is disabled. No address is assigned.


The Router Lun is assigned the next address after the last physi-
cal SCSI device.


Assigns the Router Lun an address value of 0 to 15.

The default value is 0.


For Windows NT/2000 users: Type B Fibre Channel option’s require the Router Lun to be set to 0

for libraries with 7 or more drives.

501440 Rev. J

The Configuration Menu
