Output Solutions 650 User Manual

Page 141

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Appendix B IBM ProPrinter X24 and IBM ProPrinter II Commands

B.2.9 Other Functions
CAN : Clear print buffer

DC1 : Activate printer-system connection

DC3 : Deactivate printer-system connection

ESC 5 n : Automatic line feed after CR

ESC 6 : Table 2 of character set

ESC 7 : Table 1 of character set

ESC \ n1 n2 : Print characters from table 3

ESC ^ : Print a character from table 3

ESC BEL E : Change emulation

ESC Q ETX : Deactivate printer-system connection


Clear Buffer Hexadecimal code: 18

Clears the contents of the print buffer; all the data is lost.
The current printing position remains unchanged.


Activate Printer-System Connection Hexadecimal code: 11

Sets the printer "on-line" until a DC3 is received.


Deactivate Printer-System Connection Hexadecimal code: 13

The printer sends this command via the serial interface to indicate that the buffer is full.
With a parallel interface, it is considered a NUL.

ESC 5 n

Automatic Line Feed after CR Hexadecimal code: 1B 35 n

Sets/cancels the execution of an automatic line feed when a CR is received. It takes
priority over the setting made in the SETUP.

n = 1 (1 or 49)D: automatic LF after CR (CR=CR+LF).
n = 0 (0 or 48)D: no automatic LF after CR (CR=CR).
