Output Solutions 650 User Manual

Page 129

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Appendix B IBM ProPrinter X24 and IBM ProPrinter II Commands

B.2.6 Tabulation
ESC B ... : Vertical tabulation program

ESC D ... : Horizontal tabulation program

ESC d ... : Relative Forward Horizontal Movement

ESC R : Cancel tabulation stops

ESC B n1..n254 k1..k64 NUL

Vertical Tabulation Program Hexadecimal code: 1B 42 n1..n254 k1..k64 00

n = 1 - 254
k = 1 - 64

The values of parameters n indicate the lines on which the tabulation stops will be
positioned (the top of form is 1). The line feed applied is the current one.

Parameter k defines a vertical tabulation program with a maximum of 64 stops.

At power-on, there are no vertical tabulation stops. The sequence ESC B NUL, and the
command ESC R, clear all vertical tabulation stops.

When a vertical tabulation program is executed, all the current vertical tabulation stops are
cleared. If there is no vertical tabulation program, the command VT executes a single line

ESC D n1 .. n255 k1.. k28 NUL

Horizontal Tabulation Program Hexadecimal code: 1B 44 n1..n255 k1..k28 00

n = 1 - 255
k = 1 - 28

The values of the parameters n indicate the columns in which the tabulation stops will be
positioned (the left edge is column 1). The print pitch applied is the current one. At power-
on, the default setting is one tab stop every 8 characters, starting from column 9.

Parameter k defines a horizontal tabulation program with a maximum of 28 stops.

The sequence ESC D NUL clears all horizontal tabulation stops.
The command ESC R clears all the tabulation stops and restores the default condition.
