Output Solutions 650 User Manual

Page 135

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Appendix B IBM ProPrinter X24 and IBM ProPrinter II Commands

ESC J n (IBM ProPrinter X24)

One line feed of n/180" (for graphics) Hexadecimal code: 1B 4A n

n = 1 - 255

Prints the buffer and feeds the paper line feed.If the parameter AGM : NO has been
selected in the SETUP , the paper line feeds by n/216"; If the parameter AGM : YES has
been selected in the SETUP , the paper line feeds by n/180".

It also executes a carriage return, if the parameter LF + CR : YES has been selected in
the SETUP.

The value of n must be a multiple of 3 (minimum line feed). In 8-needle graphic printing,
the value 24/216" ensures that the lines meet perfectly.

ESC * m n1 n2 AGM (IBM ProPrinter X24)

Select Alternate Graphics Mode (AGM) Hexadecimal code: 1B 2A m n1 n2 ...

Allows the selection of 8 or 24-needle graphic mode when AGM: YES has been selected
during SETUP.

Parameter m defines the type of graphic printing resolution according to the following

m Horizontal Resolution Needles used Notes
0 60 8 same as ESC K
1 120 8 same as ESC L
2 120 8 same as ESC Y
3 240 8 same as ESC Z
4 80 8 CRT I
6 90 8 CRT II
32 60 24 ESC K, high resolution
33 120 24 ESC L, high resolution
38 90 24 CRT III
39 180 24 Triple density high resolution
40 360 24 Sextuple density high resolution

Parameters n1 and n2 give the amount of graphic data plus 1 (calculations as for other
BIM commands).

Normal and high resolution graphics modes (8 and 24 needles respectively) have the same
corresponding bit/needle relationships as those described for the standard graphics mode
(see previous section).

The vertical dot density is 1/180 in.


box 8x8 dots with center point 2x2 dots, standard density, 8 dots / column

hex: 1B 2A 00 08 00 FF 81 81 99 99 81 81 FF
