NEC 320Fc User Manual
Page 21
Overview of the Active Upgrade Process
After the upgrade session leaves the Idle state, you must
complete the full upgrade process in sequence or abort
the process altogether. You cannot go back to a previous
state or skip states, and you cannot proceed to the next
state if the upgrade is in a Broken or Busy operational
3. When you are done installing software on the Upgrade Side and you start the
merge process, the Active Upgrade console switches to the PrepareMerge state,
during which it runs additional readiness tests and background tasks. If the system
is ready, the console immediately switches to the Merge state and restarts your
applications on the Upgrade Side.
4. When you are satisfied that everything is working correctly and you start the
commit process, the Active Upgrade console switches to the Commit state, during
which it starts the resynchronization of your RDR disks. You can subsequently start
the finish process, during which the Active Upgrade console switches to the Finish
state, cleans up system resources, and then returns the system to the Idle state.
The upgrade session is complete.
If necessary, you can abort the upgrade process from the PrepareSplit, Split,
PrepareMerge, and Merge states. When you abort an upgrade session, the Active
Upgrade console switches to the Abort state, during which it restores your system to
its original configuration and starts the resynchronization of your RDR disks. You can
subsequently initiate the finish process, as you would after committing an upgrade.
Alternatively, you can retry any of the Active Upgrade states to recover the system from
a transient failure and move on to the next states without aborting the entire upgrade
All of these Active Upgrade states are reported in the activity log and status bar of the
Active Upgrade console during the upgrade process. See
“Understanding the Active
Upgrade Console Interface” on page 2-20
for more information.
Related Topics
“Overview of the Active Upgrade Process” on page 1-2
“Active Upgrade State Model” on page 1-9
“Software Upgrade Support” on page 2-1
“System Prerequisites” on page 2-2