Aborting the active upgrade process – NEC 320Fc User Manual

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Overview of the Active Upgrade Process

1-6 Express5800/320Fc: Active Upgrade™ User’s Guide

Figure 1-4. Committing the Upgrade

When the RDR disk resychronization is finished, all critical system resources are

running in duplex mode, and the Active Upgrade process is complete. You do not

need to restart the system, and, because your application is already running on the

upgraded software, there is no additional downtime.

Related Topics

“Aborting the Active Upgrade Process”

“Active Upgrade State Model” on page 1-8

“Software Upgrade Support” on page 2-1

“System Prerequisites” on page 2-2

Aborting the Active Upgrade Process

Aborting the Active Upgrade process stops the current upgrade session and returns

your system to its original state. If necessary, you can abort an upgrade session at any

point up until you commit the upgrade.

If you abort the upgrade session while the system is in split mode, no downtime is

incurred. Your applications continue to run on the Production Side while the Active

Upgrade console restores the system to duplex mode.




Duplexed System



Internal Storage


(Old System) (Current Data)


with RDR



(Old Data)