Tables structure rules, J.6.3, J.6.3.1 – Nortel Networks Mediant TP-1610 SIP User Manual
Page 243: Figure j-6: structure of a table in an ini file
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual
J. SS7 Tunneling
Version 4.4
July 2005
Tables of Parameter Value Rules in the ini File Structure
The ini file allows you to add/modify parameters in tables. When using tables, Read-Only
parameters are not loaded, since they cause an error when trying to download the loaded file.
Therefore read-only parameters should not be included in tables in the ini file. Consequently,
tables are loaded with all parameters having at least one of the following permissions:
Maintenance write
The ‘format-line’ rule defines which fields of the table are to be modified by the given ini file (this
may vary among ini files for the same table). The ‘format-line’ must only include fields, which can
be modified (which are all parameters that are not specified as read-only).
One exception is the index-fields, which are ALWAYS mandatory fields. In the example provided
, all fields except the ‘Time Connected’ field are loaded.
J.6.3.1 Tables Structure Rules
Tables are composed of four elements:
Table-Title - The Table's string name in square brackets (e.g. [ MY_TABLE_NAME ]).
Format Line - This line specifies the table's fields by their string names.
The first word MUST be "FORMAT", followed by indices field names, and after '=' sign,
all data fields names should be listed.
Items must be separated by ',' sign.
The Format Line must end with ';' sign.
Data Line(s) - The actual values for parameters are specified in each Data line. The values
are interpreted according to the format line. The first word must be the table’s string name.
Items must be separated by a ',' sign.
A Data Line must end with a ';' sign.
End-of-Table-Mark: Marks the end of a table. Same as Table title, but string name is
preceded by '\'.
displays an example of the Table structure in an ini file.
Figure J-6: Structure of a Table in an ini File
; Table: Items Table.
; Fields: Item_Name, Item_Serial_Number, Item_Color, Item_weight.
; NOTE: Item_Color is not specified. It will be given default value.
; Fields declaration
Format Item_Index = Item_Name, Item_Serial_Number, Item_weight;
Items_Table 0 = Computer, 678678, 6;
Items_Table 6 = Computer-screen, 127979, 9;
Items_Table 2 = Computer-pad, 111111, $$;
Indices (in both the Format line and the Data lines) must all appear in order, as determined
by the table's specific documentation. The Index field must NOT be omitted.
Data fields in the Format line may use a sub-set of all of the configurable fields in a table
only. In this case, all other fields are assigned with the pre-defined default value for each
configured line.